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Percentage Calculator

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Here are some samples of What is 30 Percent of 120 calculations.

How to Use the What is 30 Percent of 120 Calculator

How to calculate 30% of 120

Solution and detailed explanations

Learn how to easily calculate 30% of 120 with our step-by-step guide. We offer a direct calculation method and an alternative explanation for a deeper understanding.

Direct calculation:

To find a percentage of a number, multiply the number by the percentage in decimal form. To convert a percentage to decimal, divide the percentage by 100. \[30\% \times 120 = 36.00\]

Detailed steps:

  1. We want to calculate 30% of 120
  2. Convert 30% to decimal: 30% = 30 ÷ 100 = 0.3
  3. Multiply 120 by the decimal: 120 × 0.3 = 36

So, 30% of 120 is equal to 36.

Alternative explanation:

30% means 0.3 times larger. So, if you take 120 and multiply it by 0.3, you get 36. It's as if you had 120 💶 and someone gave you 0.3 times that amount, you would then have 36 💶.

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FAQs on What is X% of Y Calculator?

What is a Percentage?

In mathematics, a percentage is a number expressed as a fraction of 100. It is represented by the symbol "%", or sometimes "pct" or "percent.

What is the Formula to Calculate X Percent of Y?

The formula to calculate a percentage is: X% of Y = (X / 100) * Y.

What is 25 percent of 240?

To find 25 percent of 240, you can use the formula:
X% of Y = (X / 100) * Y
Substitute the given values into the equation:
25% of 240 = (25 / 100) * 240
Now calculate:
(25 * 240) / 100 = 6000 / 100 = 60
Therefore, 25 percent of 240 is 60.

How to use a "what is X percent of Y" calculator?

Simply enter the values in the X and Y fields, then press the Calculate button. The result will be quickly displayed, along with a detailed explanation.